Individual & Couples Counseling In Denison, TX
Online Counseling

Tidemark Therapy is pleased to announce that starting in March 2019 we will be adding online therapy services to better serve our community.
Is your commute long and frustrating, and the thought of further commuting to a therapy appointment dissuade you from seeking help in the first place? Does your commute prevent you from having a good selection of therapists because they keep 8am to 5pm office hours? Are transportation and/or gas money an issue? Perhaps your busy life style of working long hours or taking kids to sporting events makes it hard to stop what you’re doing to attend therapy. If any of these sound like you then online counseling may be a good fit for you.
What Technology Do I Need?
You will need a computer, smartphone, or tablet that is able to connect to the internet and has a webcam and working speakers.
What Software Do We Use To See Clients?
We utilize HIPAA compliant tele-health software that is made available through our electronic health records system named Simple Practice. Your privacy and confidentiality is of upmost importance to us.
What Is The Online Process To Begin Seeing One Another?
Once your appointment is set up (either done through online means or through our receptionist), you will be emailed the paperwork. We will ask that you complete it at least 3 days before your appointment so that if there is insurance that needs to be verified we may do so prior to your first appointment to let you know your exact financial responsibility and so we can review the paperwork for completion and to get a better understanding of your background. Once the paperwork is completed, you will connect to our telehealth software 1 of 2 ways. If you have a smart phone or tablet you can access it by downloading the Telehealth by Simple Practice App, or if you are utilizing a desktop or if you prefer to not download the App, you may click on the link that was made available to you through your appointment reminder. When you are ready click join the call. If you only see your face, then please know that your therapist has not joined the session, but will momentarily.
How Do I Know If Online Counseling Is Right For Me?
Most of the time, people make this decision based upon their preferences. Do you prefer meeting someone in person, or do you prefer the convenience of online counseling? However, there are some situations in which we as therapists will do not believe that online counseling will be the best option for you. If we suspect this may be the case, we will definitely walk you through it. Some examples where online counseling may not be a good option include folks who are actively suicidal or where active domestic violence is occurring, just to name a few? If you still have questions about online counseling, we will be happy to answer those questions if you give us a call at 903-265-8545.
Please note that per state regulations therapists must be licensed in the State of Texas and only see residents who also live in the state of Texas.